Monday, August 29, 2005


On Saturday, I recieved a letter from the Kaiser Pre-Op Clinic that they were trying to reach me by phone without success. Obviously, they did not know to call on the TTY. They asked that I call them. When I did this morning on the TTY, all I got was an answering machine numerous times. Since their office is close by, I decided to present myself with the letter. After a short wait, a Medical Asst. came out and had be fill out a history questionaire-----my diseases, etc. She then made a Pre-Op appointment for me on September 9th, four days before my surgery. At that time, I will make sure they know that I want pain and anti-nausea meds in the IV. They will also do any lab work if Dr. Maw ordered same. These things are constant reminders that it is getting close!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

19 DAYS TO GO!!!

So far, I have made all kinds of checklists......what to remember to do and say at surgery time, what to take to the hospital, and what to take to my daughter,s house after surgery. I even made a sign to show the hospital staff that I am deaf and they should face me, and talk slow or write their message. I am trying not to think too much about the surgery....just let it come. Today I stop taking Vitamin E and Ginko Biloba.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Well, today is exactly one month till my scheduled CI surgery(Sept. 13th). While there is still no question that I am anxious to have the CI, I most worry about how I will feel when I wake up and how I will cope with it. Thanks to the on line support groups I belong to, I know pretty whell what can happen, and that's what concerns me. I did tell the surgeon I wanted anti-nausea and anti-pain meds, and will remind them again when I get to the hospital. Last week, I made a surgery checklist for myself. I also made an appointment with my regular doctor on Sept. 7th for my regular 6 month check up. I want to go into surgery healthy! My sister will come from New York on Sept. 8th to visit and help me through recuperation. She, and maybe my daughter who lives out here, will be at my activation on October 7th. I guess now all I have to do is wait and worry......just kidding! I'm really not worrying about how successful my CI will be as it can't be any worse than it is now.