Yesterday was our local ALDA chapter monthly meeting. It is held in a room which is not looped, but we do have a captionist who types in real time and her work is projected on a screen for all to see. The members sit at tables set up in a U-shaped arrangement with the speaker between the two legs of the U. That said, I was determined to try to hear what was said without reading the captions. I sat myself at the head of one of the legs so I would be as close as possible to the speaker. Our President ran the meeting, and also gave a presentation on Emergency Preparedness. Low and behold, I heard and understood about 95% of what was said! Granted, looking at the speaker's mouth didn't hurt. I also heard most of the comments from people sitting at the tables. Next time, I'll sit farther away from the speaker since this experiment was a success.
As a side note, I do keep a smooth jazz radio station on in the car when I drive. The music still sounds like noise, but I want to train my brain to hear music this new way.